In view of the blurriness of the edge in the approximation image based on traditional wavelet transform and the lower correlation of reconnaissance image than general image, an encoding method based on adaptive wavelet transform combined with Embedded Block Coding with Optimized Truncation ( EBCOT) is proposed. 由于侦察图像相关性低,基于传统小波变换的图像编码在渐进恢复时低频近似图像边缘模糊。针对这个问题,提出了基于自适应小波变换结合EBCOT的编码方法。
Research on the Applications of Wavelet Transform to Image Edge Extraction and Image Coding 小波变换在图像边缘提取和压缩编码中的应用研究
A new DCT coding method based on edge information measure and adaptive quadtree segmentation was proposed to enhance compression ratio of DCT coding and transmission efficiency. 提出了一种基于边缘信息测度的四叉树自适应分块的DCT压缩算法。
Edge Oriented Classified DCT for Video Coding 面向边缘的分类DCT变换在视频编码中的应用
The paper discusses STC techniques for the EDGE ( Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution) communication system and broadband wireless access networks, with a focus on such signaling processing techniques as the physical layer channel estimation, combined coding and equalization, and interference suppression. 文章介绍了用于EDGE蜂窝通信系统和宽带无线接入网的空时编码(STC)技术,重点讨论了物理层信道估值、联合均衡与编码以及干扰抑制等信号处理技术。
An effective edge feature coding method. 一种高效的边缘特征曲线编码方法。
Region and edge segmentation-based highly scalable coding method on color image 基于区域和边缘分开编码可伸缩彩色图像编码
Model based coding is recognized to be a perspective method of low bit rate image compression method. Due to some merits which cannot be drawn a parallel with ordinary, Edge Model based Coding is given more and more attention by researchers now. 模型基编码是目前极富前途的低比特率图象压缩方法之一,而边缘模型基方法较之通常的模型基方法有更多的优点,正逐渐引起研究人员的注目。
The Selection of Relevant Edge and Subjective Test in Synthetic High Coding 综合高频编码的有效边沿选取和主观试验
Image retrieval of the block edge pattern based on run-length coding 基于游程编码的块边缘模式图像检索算法
For different coding modes, different variable length code ( VLC) tables are used. For non edge blocks, DCT, run length and variable length coding ( VLC) are applied. 对不同的编码模式采用不同的码表进行编码.DCT编码器中,使用DCT、Z形扫描、游程和变长编码(VLC)技术。
An Application Based on Edge Detection and Wavelet Package Asymmetry Composition in Image Coding 一种基于边缘检测的小波包非对称分解在图像编码中的应用
Researches have been done to expose the efficiency of 2D Gabor filtering in edge detection, texture analysis, image coding and restoration, and motion measurement. 研究表明2D-Gabor滤波器能有效地应用于边缘检测、纹理分析、图象编码及增强等场合。
A novel edge orientation coding is proposed, it outperforms the classification accuracy of the traditional edge orientation coding when they are combined respectively with color histogram. 提出了一种新的边缘方向编码,在与颜色直方图结合中比传统方向编码有更好的分类性能。
Since the base functions of wavelet transform is discontinuous at the edge of the blocks in block-based coding, blocking effects could always been seen or heard. 然而,由于基于块的小波变换的基函数在块边界处的不连续性,导致解码信号在块边界存在块效应问题。
This paper introduces a new algorithm for image edge extraction and coding, an efficient method for code file organization is presented, meanwhile, the noise suppression problem is discussed. 文章介绍了一种用于图像边缘提取和编码的新算法,并提出一种链码文件的有效组织方法,同时对图像处理过程中遇到的消噪问题进行讨论。
Using trademark image edge detection and contour following, extract each child contour feature points for the extraction of information, the contour feature information use the run-length coding compression algorithm to feature information further compression. 2. 对商标图像进行边缘检测,轮廓跟踪,然后提取每个子轮廓的特征点信息,对提取的轮廓特征信息采用游程编码压缩算法对特征信息进一步压缩。